Flytrap Factory
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Adding Products to your Cart

To add an item to your shopping cart, select your delivery destination from the dropdown box and press the "Add to Cart" button. You will then be taken to a screen which displays all the items currently in your cart. You may add, remove, or change the quantity of items from this page.

To continue adding items, click the "Continue Shopping" button to be taken back to the store to continue shopping. To view your shopping cart at any time simply click "View Cart" from the bottom of the shop pages and you will be taken to the shopping cart.

Check Out and Payment

When you have finished adding items to your cart, press the "Check Out" button on the shopping cart page and you will be brought to the Order Form where you can choose to pay via PayPal or Credit Card.

Problems with the shopping cart

If you are experiencing problems with the shopping cart please try the following:

If you need any further help, please feel free to email us at